I'm a news junkie
I simply love reading news! Most of my time would be spent in the world news section but I stray into most areas (ah, well except sport - not a big sporting type, other than some swimming and cycling). Most of my reading is online at Sydney Morning Herald, MSNBC, ninemsn, NTV MSNBC (Turkish), CNN, Salon, and Economist. I'll also hit Google News several times a day as well, it's such a great news portal.
The main reason for this post is to mention a new service that I came across at MSNBC. They are now using MSN Alerts to inform subscribers of breaking news (they currently have an email based service). After signing up (here) there's a page that allows you to pick the sections that interest you, and then voila!
I think this is a great use of IM beyond P2P chats and it's a great way to be informed if you want to keep up with the latest happenings.
If you're also a weblog junkie you really should take a look at Simon Fell's most excellent BlogToaster app. It provides instant notification of weblog updates as soon as they've pinged weblogs.com, tres cool!