Web Essentials 2005 Day 1

Here was today's line up of international speakers (in order of appearance):

What a lineup! Each and everyone of them are amazing public speakers (is it in the water in SF?) . Over the last few days there's been a lot of web chatter, and also at WE05, about Web 2.0 regarding what it is and isn't. One thing that I don't see is that other than the technology, the methods, and the design, it's also about passionate people like these who are helping us move further forward towards that goal.

Coming out of the conference today I'm all giddy with excitement on putting it all to practice. Of course, the problem then becomes that there's so much more to learn that the starting point keeps on moving (well, for me at least). Right now on my plate I have Ruby (to feed the developer in me), Photoshop/Illustrator (me with the design cap on), XHTML & CSS 2.1/3 (read and grok the specs), Microformats (maybe even help to contribute?), and some little Flash and SVG thrown in for completeness.

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